me,you,him,her,it,us,you,them 1

Vul ALLE gaten in, klik dan "Check" om je antwoorden te controleren.
Klik de "Hint" knop om je een letter te geven als je problemen hebt met een antwoord.
Let wel !! Je percentage zal wel naar beneden gaan als je de "Hint" knop gebruikt !!

Who is that woman? Why are you looking at ?
Do you know that man? Yes, I work with .
I am talking to you. Please listen to .
These photos are nice. Do you want to look at ?
I like that camera. I am going to buy .
I don't know Peter's girl friend. Do you know ?
Where are the tickets? I can't find .
We are going to the disco. Can you come with ?
I don't like dogs. I'm afraid of .
Where is she? I want to talk to .
Let's go digital !